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  • Nanolex GreenX Interior Cleaner 750ml

    Nanolex GreenX Interior Cleaner 750ml


    Key advantages:

    • Very powerful but gentle cleaner

    • Free from known allergens

    • Compatible with the ODEX odor remover

    • Formulation safe for spray extraction cleaning


    Transform the interior of your car with GreenX Interior Cleaner,

    the ultimate solution for an impeccable, allergen-free car interior. Our formula combines remarkable cleaning power with material protection properties and ensures that every surface of your car is clean and surface-safe.

    GreenX Interior Cleaner was designed to be powerful enough to tackle tough stains, dirt and pollution, but at the same time gentle enough to protect the integrity of your car’s interior materials. Whether it’s upholstery, vinyl, leather or plastic, you can be sure that GreenX Interior Cleaner cleans effectively without causing damage.

    We understand the importance of a clean, allergen-free interior. GreenX Interior Cleaner contains no known allergenic ingredients and is therefore safe for all occupants, including those with allergies or sensitivities.

    Instructions for use:

    1. Make sure that the interior of your vehicle is free of loose dirt particles. You can vacuum or shake out loose dirt and dust.

    2. Shake the bottle of GreenX Interior Cleaner well before use.

    3. Spray the cleaner directly onto the surface to be cleaned. For sensitive materials, you can also spray it onto a microfiber cloth or sponge.

    4. Use a soft brush or cloth to gently apply the cleaner, paying particular attention to dirty or stained areas.

    5. Wipe off the cleaner and dirt with a clean, damp cloth or sponge. For thorough cleaning, you can also use a spray extraction machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

    6. If necessary, you can use the ODEX odor remover to remove odors by following the instructions on the packaging.