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    Autofiber [Tire Saver] Dressing Applicator with Barrier Layer (4 in. x 3 in. x 2 in.) Pack of 2

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    Autofiber [Tire Saver] Dressing Applicator with Barrier Layer (4 in. x 3 in. x 2 in.) Pack of 2

    We have taken our patent pending Saver Applicator Barrier Layer Technology and made a Tire Saver Dressing Applicator.

    The hydrophobic layer, between the outer microfiber and inner foam layers, prevents the product from soaking through to the other side. This tire dressing applicator allow more product to be applied to the surface.

    • 4"x3"x2"
    • 80/20 blend
    • One Side Twist with Soft Foam(for application)
    • On Side Mesh with Hard Foam (to hold)
    • Made in China