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  • Accréditation Fireball Maître Installateur I 07-08 Janvier 2023

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  • Autofiber [Finger Applicator] Microfiber Fingertip Mitt Applicator (5 in. x 4 in.) 6 pack


    Autofiber [Finger Applicator] Applicateur Gris Demi Mitaine en Microfibre (5 in. x 4 in.) - 6 Pack

    These small applicator finger mitts cover 3 or 4 of your fingers depending on your hand size. They are great for applying dressings, and trim restoration products like Solution Finish. They also serve well as wax or sealant applicators.

    Use them on wheels to get into tight spaces, and use them in your interior to get in crevices or A/C vents.